"Deadheads take the natural advantages they are born with in this culture- skin colour, wealth, education, etc.- and spit on them. Or worse ignore them completely".
It seems that Conners spends most of the book describing each dead show (which all sound pretty much the same) and the other parts of the book are spent sucking up to Jerry Garcia (Dead Member) and literary geniuses like Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. Just because you mention the beatniks doesn't make you a beatnik buddy! Conners tries way too hard in this book and he isn't likable or in the slightest bit relatable. It's not all bad though, Conners (although contrived) does manage to paint a groovy scene when talking about one of the dead shows when he's tripping on acid, apart from that this book's a drag. I want my $30 back!
my old communications lecturer was always talking about the grateful dead and he was an acid tripper from wayyy back. but he said something like if you wore this certain sticker or something then fellow grateful dead lovers would know you were into them and thus form a grateful dead group of friends or something like that???