Thursday, May 31, 2012

Romance Was Born 'Happy Campers' AW 12

A love of kitsch Australiana, crafty construction and fine tailoring help Australia’s sentimental favourites Romance Was Born to turn the dreaded cultural cringe on its head. 
These New Romantics are the loveable design duo Anna Plunkett and Luke Sales, their unquashable enthusiasm and sheer love for what they make and do is contagious. This passion permeates their designs and is vital to the garments construction, combining seamlessly with their technical pattern-making wizardry. 
Resulting in clothes that are more than just the sum of their parts, they create a clothing experience. Romance Was Born collections are irreverent and fun loving, fabric and colour combinations are what inspire their playful outfits where sparkle, texture and bold prints jostle together in a harmonious jamboree of style. Romance Was Born is much loved for their original larrikin spirit, poking a cheeky tongue at convention. 
Their lavish aesthetic often includes a pastiche of craft work like appliqué, tie-dying or crochet, these are the fabulous hand detailed features that set their label apart from the flippant trends of the fashion madding crowd.
Luke and Anna met studying fashion at East Sydney Technical College, a few fun-filled party nights later and the creative pair became the best of friends, a dream of starting a label together was formed – and so Romance Was Born. Here are some of my personal favourites from their Happy Campers AW12 Collection.

To quote an incredibly smart man by the name of Ron Burgundy:
"Don't act like you're not impressed".

Subway DC stock pieces from this collection, to BUY & SEE more head to the 

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